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HPC Module: nmto


NMTO (N-th order Muffin-Tin Orbitals) is an advanced computational tool for electronic structure calculations. It extends the LMTO method, providing high-order orbitals for accurate modeling of materials with strong electronic correlations.

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Tags Electronic-structure

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47.1k 2024-10-02


NMTO is an advanced tool for electronic structure calculations, extending the LMTO method by providing higher-order muffin-tin orbitals for more accurate modeling of electronic properties.

Key applications include studies of strongly correlated electron systems, transition metals, oxides, and materials where electron-electron interactions play a significant role.


If you use nmto in your research, please cite:

  • O. K. Andersen, T. Saha-Dasgupta, "NMTO Wannier Orbitals: Accurate Tight-Binding Description of Electronic Structure," Physical Review B, vol. 62, no. 24, 2000, pp. R16219-R16222.

  • O. K. Andersen, T. Saha-Dasgupta, "Muffin-tin orbitals of arbitrary order," Physical Review B, vol. 62, no. 24, 2000, pp. 16219–16222.


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