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Software Currently Available


Module Name Description Tags
ADIOS2 ADIOS 2 is an open-source framework that addresses scientific data management challenges.
BEAGLE Adds the BEAGLE libraries to your environment. Phylogeny, Parallel Processing
beagle-lib Adds the beagle-lib libraries to your environment. Phylogeny, Parallel Processing
Bioconductor Adds the Bioconductor libraries to your environment.
Biopython Adds Biopython software to your environment.
Boost Adds Boost C++ Libraries (built with GCC) to your environment. Linear Algebra, Pseudorandom, Multithreading, Image Processing, Regular Expressions, Unit Testing
CGAL Adds the CGAL API to your environment.
CheMPS2 Adds the CheMPS2 API to your environment.
CUDA Adds the CUDA API to your environment.
eigen Adds the Eigen API to your environment.
fftw Adds the fftw API to your environment.
FLTK Adds the FLTK API to your environment GUI
GEOS Adds the GEOS API to your environment.
gflags Adds the gflags API to your environment.
gl2ps Adds the gl2ps API to your environment.
glog Adds the glog API to your environment.
GLPK Adds the GLPK API to your environment.
GSL Adds the GSL API to your environment.
HDF5 Adds the HDF5 API to your environment.
HTSlib Adds the HTSlib API to your environment.
hwloc Adds the hwloc API to your environment.
isl Adds the isl API to your environment.
KIM Adds the OpenKIM API to your environment.
KIM-API Adds the OpenKIM API to your environment.
LAPACK LAPACK is a library of Fortran 77 subroutines for solving common linear algebra problems. linear algebra, blas
LHAPDF Adds the LHAPDF libraries to your environment. Physics
libdrm Direct Rendering Manager DRM, DRI
libffi Adds the libffi API to your environment.
libgit2 libgit2 is a portable, pure C implementation of the Git core methods
libgtextutils Adds the libgtextutils Libraries to your environment. Unmaintained
libjpeg-turbo Adds libjpeg-turbo Libraries (built with GNU gcc) to your environment.
libpng Adds libpng Libraries (built with GNU gcc) to your environment.
libpsl This module adds the libpsl module to your environment
libxc Libxc is a library of exchange-correlation and kinetic energy functionals for density-functional theory.
METIS Adds the METIS API to your environment.
mpfr Add the GNU MPFR library to your environment
MUMPS Adds the MUMPS API to your environment.
MVAPICH2 Adds MVAPICH2 software to your environment MPI
NetCDF-C Adds the NetCDF-C API to your environment.
OpenBLAS Adds the OpenBLAS libraries to your environment Science, Modeling
OpenEXR Image
OpenMPI Adds the OpenMPI libraries to your environment.
PCRE2 Adds the PCRE2 API to your environment.
perl5-libs Adds perl5-libs libraries to your environment for some package dependencies. Dependencies
PnetCDF Adds the PnetCDF API to your environment.
protobuf Adds Google's protocol buffers support to your environment. compiler
PyTorch Adds PyTorch software to your environment. Machine Learning
PyTorch-GPU Adds PyTorch software to your environment. GPU, Machine Learning
Qhull Adds the Qhull APIs to your environment.
Qt Adds the Qt API to your environment. GUI
RapidJSON Adds RapidJSON to your environment
ReportLab Adds ReportLab Libraries to your environment. PDF Generation
ScaFaCoS Adds the ScaFaCoS API to your environment.
spglib C library for finding and handling crystal symmetries. crystal structure
SuiteSparse Adds the SuiteSparse API to your environment.
SUNDIALS Adds SUNDIALS to your environment.
Szip Adds the Szip API to your environment.
TensorFlow Adds TensorFlow software to your environment
TensorFlow-GPU Adds TensorFlow software to your environment GPU
UCX Communications Library communications, rdma, InfiniBand
upcxx Adds the UPC++ libraries to your environment.
Voro++ Adds the Voro++ API to your environment.
VTK Adds the VTK API to your environment.
z3 Adds the z3 API to your environment.
zstd Zstandard is a fast compression algorithm, providing high compression ratios. Compression


Module Name Description Tags
Anaconda2 Adds the Anaconda2 software to your environment Python2
Anaconda3 Adds the Anaconda3 software to your environment Python3
Argbash adds Argbash to your environment
Autoconf Autoconf is an extensible package of M4 macros that produce shell scripts to automatically configure software source code packages.
Bazel adds the Bazel cross-platform build tools to your environment
Boost.Build Adds the Boost.Build software to your environment
CMake adds the CMake cross-platform build tools to your environment
DDD adds DDD debugger to your environment
Eclipse Adds the Eclipse IDE to your environment Editor, GUI
Gaussian Adds Gaussian to your environment Science, Modeling
gcc adds gcc compilers to your environment
Go Adds Go programming language to your environment
Intel None
Julia Adds the Julia programming language to your environment
Libtool Adds newer libtool scripts to your environment
LLVM Adds LLVM compilers to your environment
Make Adds the Make cross-platform build tools to your environment
Maple Adds Maple to your environment.
Mathematica Adds Mathematica to your environment
MATLAB Adds MATLAB to your environment
Maven Adds Apache Maven to your environment.
Miniforge3 Adds the Miniforge3 software to your environment Python3
Ninja Adds Ninja to your environment
oneAPI-advisor Intel(R) Advisor 2021.1 (build 607872) oneAPI, Code Analysis
oneAPI-ccl Intel(R) oneAPI Collective Communications Library oneAPI
oneAPI-clck Sets up the Intel(R) Cluster Checker environment. oneAPI, Cluster Checker
oneAPI-compiler Configure for use with Intel 64-bit compiler(s). oneAPI, Compilers, C, C++, FORTRAN
oneAPI-compiler-rt Configure runtime libraries for use with Intel 64-bit compiler(s). oneAPI, Runtime Libraries, C, C++, FORTRAN
oneAPI-compiler-rt32 Configure runtime libraries for use with Intel 32-bit compiler(s). oneAPI, Runtime Libraries, C, C++, FORTRAN
oneAPI-compiler32 Configure for use with Intel 32-bit compiler(s). oneAPI, Compilers, C, C++, FORTRAN
oneAPI-dal Configure for use with Intel Data Analytics Library for intel64 DAL, DAAL
oneAPI-debugger The gdb-oneapi debugger (an extension of standard gdb). oneAPI, Debugger, gdb
oneAPI-dev-utilities Add the oneAPI dev-utilities/bin and ../include to PATH and CPATH. oneAPI
oneAPI-dnnl Intel® oneAPI Deep Neural Network Library for the cpu_dpcpp_gpu_dpcpp configuration. oneAPI, dnnl
oneAPI-dnnl-cpu-gomp Intel® oneAPI Deep Neural Network Library for the cpu_gomp configuration. oneAPI, dnnl
oneAPI-dnnl-cpu-iomp Intel® oneAPI Deep Neural Network Library for the cpu_iomp configuration. oneAPI, dnnl
oneAPI-dpct Configure for Intel(R) DPC++ Compatibility Tool. oneAPI
oneAPI-dpl Configure for Intel(R) DPC++ Library. oneAPI
oneAPI-init_opencl Submodule for Intel(R) oneAPI DPCPP compiler FPGA environment oneAPI
oneAPI-inspector Intel(R) Inspector 2021.1 (build 604894) oneAPI
oneAPI-intel_ipp_ia32 Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives IA-32 architecture. For a full Intel(R) IPP functionality, you should load Intel(R) oneAPI Compiler and Intel(R) oneAPI Threading Building Blocks modules. oneAPI, IPP
oneAPI-intel_ipp_intel64 Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives Intel(R) 64 architecture. For a full Intel(R) IPP functionality, you should load Intel(R) oneAPI Compiler and Intel(R) oneAPI Threading Building Blocks modules. oneAPI, IPP
oneAPI-intel_ippcp_ia32 Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives Cryptography IA-32 architecture. For a full Intel(R) IPP functionality, you should load Intel(R) oneAPI Compiler and Intel(R) oneAPI Threading Building Blocks modules. oneAPI, IPPCP, Cryptogaraphy
oneAPI-intel_ippcp_intel64 Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives Cryptography Intel(R) 64 architecture. For a full Intel(R) IPP functionality, you should load Intel(R) oneAPI Compiler and Intel(R) oneAPI Threading Building Blocks modules. oneAPI, IPPCP, Cryptography
oneAPI-itac Intel(R) Trace Analyzer and Collector oneAPI, IPPCP, Cryptography
oneAPI-mkl Sets up environment for oneMKL IA-64 architecture oneAPI, MKL, BLAS, LAPACK, ScaLAPACK, FFT
oneAPI-mkl32 Sets up environment for oneMKL IA-32 architecture oneAPI, MKL, BLAS, LAPACK, ScaLAPACK, FFT
oneAPI-mpi Intel(R) MPI Library oneAPI, MPI
oneAPI-oclfpga Intel(R) oneAPI DPCPP compiler FPGA environment oneAPI, MPI
oneAPI-tbb Intel(R) oneAPI Threading Building Blocks for intel64. oneAPI, TBB
oneAPI-tbb32 Intel(R) oneAPI Threading Building Blocks for ia32. oneAPI, TBB
oneAPI-vpl Intel(R) oneAPI Video Processing Library. oneAPI, VPL
oneAPI-vtune Intel(R) oneAPI VTune(TM) Profiler 2021.1.1 (build 613804) oneAPI, VPL
OpenJDK Adds the OpenJDK software to your environment JAVA, JDK, JRE
R Adds R software to your environment
re2c Adds re2c to your environment
ROOT Adds the ROOT cross-platform build tools to your environment
rust Adds the Rust programming language to your environment.
SWIG Adds the SWIG cross-platform build tools to your environment


Module Name Description Tags
ABCluster Adds ABCluster software to your environment ABC Algorithm, Chemistry
ABINIT Adds ABINIT software to your environment.
AlphaFold AlphaFold can accurately predict 3D models of protein structures and has the potential to accelerate research in every field of biology.
ANNOVAR Adds ANNOVAR software to your environment
Apptainer Adds Apptainer to your environment.
aria2 High-speed download utility with resuming and segmented downloading. Utility
asciinema Adds asciinema software to your environment
AtomEye Adds AtomEye software to your environment Atomistic Configuration Viewer
AUGUSTUS Adds AUGUSTUS software to your environment
Avogadro Adds Avogadro software to your environment Visualization, Molecular Editor
BamTools Adds BamTools software to your environment.
bat Adds bat software to your environment. Utility
BayeScan Adds BayeScan software to your environment
BEDOPS Adds BEDOPS software to your environment
bedtools Adds bedtools software to your environment. Genome Arithmetic
bowtie Adds bowtie software to your environment. Sequence Alignment
bowtie2 Adds bowtie2 software to your environment. Sequence Alignment
BUSCO Adds BUSCO software to your environment
BWA Adds BWA software to your environment
Canu Adds Canu software to your environment.
Clustal-Omega Adds Clustal-Omega software to your environment Multiple Sequence Alignment
clustalw Adds clustalw software to your environment Multiple Alignment
CompHEP Adds CompHEP software to your environment
COMSOL Adds COMSOL software to your environment Finite Element Analysis
Consed Adds Consed software to your environment
Cufflinks Adds Cufflinks software to your environment.
curl command line tool and library for transferring data with URLs
DaliLite Adds DaliLite software to your environment.
deltaSHAPE Adds the deltaSHAPE script to your environment Biology, BioChem, Weeks-UNC
dftbplus Adds the DFTB+ software to your environment.
Dialign Adds Dialign software to your environment
Doxygen Adds Doxygen software to your environment
eems An implementation of the EEMS method for analyzing and visualizing spatial population structure from geo-referenced genetic samples.
ELPH Adds ELPH software to your environment
EMBOSS Adds EMBOSS software to your environment.
epstool Adds epstool to your environment Graphics
FAST Adds FAST software to your environment Structure Alignment
FASTA Adds FASTA software to your environment
FastJet Adds FastJet Software to your environment
fastp Adds FASTP software to your environment. fastq
FASTX-Toolkit Adds FASTX-Toolkit software to your environment
FDist2 Adds FDist2 software to your environment
FFmpeg Adds FFmpeg software to your environment Multimedia Framework
Fiji adds Fiji 1.53t to your environment. Image Processing, Image Analysis, Java 8
FLASH Adds FLASH software to your environment Structure Alignment
FLOW3D-HYDRO FLOW-3D HYDRO is the complete CFD modeling solution for the civil and environmental engineering industry. CFD
FORM Adds FORM software to your environment Particle Physics
FUSTr Adds FUSTr software to your environment Phylogeny, Maximum Likelihood
GAMESS Adds GAMESS software to your environment
Gblocks Adds Gblocks software to your environment
GDAL Adds GDAL Utilities and Libraries to your environment
Genepop Adds Genepop software to your environment
git Adds GIT software to your environment. SCM, Version Control
git-lfs adds GIT-LFS to your environment
Glimmer Adds Glimmer software to your environment DNA, Alignment, Gene
GMAP Adds GMAP software to your environment. Genome Mapping, Sequence Alignment
gnuplot Adds gnuplot software to your environment Scientific Plotting
Grace Adds Grace software to your environment
GROMACS Adds GROMACS software to your environment
Gurobi Adds Gurobi Optimizer to your environment
HEASoft Adds HEASoft software to your environment FITS, fv, XANADU, XSTAR
HH-SUITE Adds HH-SUITE software to your environment HHAlign, HHBlits, HHFilter, HHMake, HHSearch
HMMER Adds HMMER software to your environment Biosequence Analysis
I-TASSER Adds I-TASSER software to your environment Alignment, Protein, Structure Prediction
ImageMagick Adds ImageMagick software to your environment
ipyrad Adds ipyrad software to your environment.
Jellyfish Adds JellyFish software to your environment.
LAMMPS Adds LAMMPS software to your environment Molecular Dynamics
lmto The Stuttgart TB-LMTO program is a computational tool used for calculating the electronic structure of materials, particularly crystalline solids, using the Tight-Binding Linear Muffin-Tin Orbital method. Electronic-structure
lp_solve Adds lp_solve software to your environment.
LS-DYNA Adds LS-DYNA software to your environment.
LS-PrePost Adds LS-PrePost software to your environment.
luscus Adds luscus software to your environment. Sequence Alignment
MAFFT Adds MAFFT software to your environment. Multiple Sequence Alignment, Global Pairwise, Local Pairwise
MCNP Adds MCNP software to your environment.
MECPro adds MECPro to your environment
MG5_aMC Adds MG5_aMC Software to your environment.
MMseqs2 Adds MMseqs2 to your environment. Sequencing
Modeller Adds Modeller software to your environment Protein, 3D Structure, Alignment
Molcas@UU Adds Molcas software from the Molcas@UU distribution to your environment. Sequence Alignment
Molden Adds Molden software to your environment. Molecular Structure
Molpro Adds Molpro software to your environment.
MOSEK Adds MOSEK software to your environment. optimization, math
mothur Adds mothur software to your environment. bioinformatics, dotur, sons, treeclimber, unifrac, s-libshuff
Mplus Adds Mplus Basic Program plus Combination Add-On to your environment.
MrBayes Adds MrBayes software to your environment. Phylogeny, Evolutionary Models, Bayesian Inference
MT-Toolbox Adds MT-Toolbox software to your environment. Molecular Tagging
MToolBox Adds MToolBox software to your environment. Sequence Alignment
MUSCLE Adds MUSCLE software to your environment. Multiple Sequence Alignment, Tree-Building, Profile Alignment
NBO Adds NBO software to your environment.
NCBI-Blast Adds NCBI-Blast software to your environment. Sequence Alignment
Neovim Adds Neovim software to your environment
Netpbm Adds Netpbm software to your environment.
nmto NMTO (N-th order Muffin-Tin Orbitals) is an advanced computational tool for electronic structure calculations. It extends the LMTO method, providing high-order orbitals for accurate modeling of materials with strong electronic correlations. Electronic-structure
Octopus Sets up the environment for Octopus, a TDDFT simulation code. TDDFT
OpenBabel Adds Open Babel software to your environment.
OpenFOAM Adds OpenFOAM software to your environment. Computational Fluid Dynamics, CFD
OpenMolcas Adds OpenMolcas to your environment. Sequence Alignment
OpenSees Adds OpenSees software to your environment.
OpenSSL Updated OpenSSL Crypto Software and Libraries
PAML Adds PAML software to your environment. Phylogeny
ParaView Adds ParaView software to your environment. GUI
phd2fasta Adds phd2fasta software to your environment.
Phrap Adds Phrap software to your environment.
Phred Adds Phred software to your environment.
PHYLIP Adds PHYLIP software to your environment. Phylogeny
PhyML Adds PhyML software to your environment. Phylogeny, Maximum Likelihood
POVRay Image, 3D, Raytracer
primer3 Adds primer3 software to your environment. Designing PCR Primers
PROBCONS Adds PROBCONS software to your environment. Multiple Sequence Alignment
PROJ Adds PROJ Software to your environment.
PROMALS Adds PROMALS software to your environment. Multiple Sequence Alignment, 3D Structure
ProtTest Adds ProtTest software to your environment.
PyMol Adds PyMol software to your environment.
qhost Adds QHost software to your environment. Local Mod
qtop Adds qtop software to your environment.
RAxML Adds Guassian to your environment. Science, Modeling, Phylogenetic Trees
rclone Adds the rclone software to your environment. Utility, Cloud Storage
RingMapper Adds RingMapper and PairMapper to your environment
ripgrep Adds the ripgrep software to your environment. Utility
RNAstructure Adds RNAstructure to your environment Biology, Biochem, Structure Prediction
RNATools Adds the RNATools and foldPK scripts to your environment Biology, BioChem, Weeks-UNC
Salmon Adds Salmon Optimizer to your environment.
SAMtools Adds SAMtools and BCFtools software to your environment. Data Manipulation, Sequencing
SCOTCH Adds SCOTCH software to your environment.
SeaView Adds SeaView software to your environment. GUI
SediFoam Adds SediFoam software to your environment.
Serpent Adds SERPENT software to your environment.
ShapeJumper Adds script to your environment Biology, BioChem, Weeks-UNC
ShapeMapper Adds ShapeMapper to your environment. Biology, BioChem, Weeks-UNC, RNA, Parallel Sequencing
SiLiX Adds SiLIX software to your environment.
Simcoal2 Adds Simcoal2 software to your environment.
Singularity Adds Singularity to your environment.
SPAdes Adds the St. Petersburg genome assembler to your environment. Sequencing
SPAdes-HPC Adds the St. Petersburg genome assembler to your environment. Sequencing
Spark Adds Apache Spark to your environment.
SQLite Adds SQLite software to your environment.
SRAToolkit Adds SRAToolkit software to your environment.
stacks Adds the stacks software pipeline to your environment. Genetic Mapping, Population Genomics, Phylogenetics
Stata Adds Stata software to your environment statistics
StructureAnalysis Adds the StructureAnalysis python scripts to your environment Biology, BioChem, Weeks-UNC
SuperFold Adds SuperFold to your environment Biology, BioChem, Weeks-UNC
texinfo Adds texinfo software to your environment.
TeXLive Adds TeXLive software to your environment.
Tinker Adds Tinker software to your environment.
tmux Adds tmux software to your environment. Terminal Multiplexer
TOPAS Adds TOPAS to your environment
TopHat Adds TopHat software to your environment.
Trinity Adds Trinity software to your environment. RNA, Inchwork, Chrysalis, Butterfly, De Novo Reconstruction, Transcription
VCFtools Adds VCFtools software to your environment. VCF Files
Velvet Adds Velvet software to your environment.
Vim Adds Vim software to your environment
VMD Adds VMD software to your environment.
Wannier90 Wannier90 is an open-source code (released under GPLv2) for generating maximally-localized Wannier functions and using them to compute advanced electronic properties of materials with high efficiency and accuracy.
Wise2 Adds Wise2 software to your environment.
Xmakemol Adds Xmakemol software to your environment. GUI, OpenGL, Molecular Structure

Last Modified: Thu Mar 6 11:06:36 EST 2025